Most popular walks of fame Most popular walks of fame Walks of fame mapSee on the map+WŁADYSŁAWOWOPolandSport Stars Avenue+MIĘDZYZDROJEPolandWalk of Fame+DZIWNÓWPolandSports Star Avenue+SIBIURomaniaSibiu Walk of Fame+LIEPAJALatviaLatvian Musicians Hall of Fame+WISŁAPolandSport Stars Avenue+TORUŃPolandGingerbread Walk of Fame+ŁÓDŹPolandAvenue of Stars+GORZÓW WIELKOPOLSKIPolandGorzów Avenue of Stars+OPOLEPolandPolish Song Stars Avenue +BYDGOSZCZPolandBydgoszcz Autographs+KRAKOWPolandKraków Avenue of StarsRanking - walks of fame LatviaShow all+number 23 in the cityLIEPAJALatviaLatvian Musicians Hall of FameRanking - walks of fame PolandShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityWŁADYSŁAWOWOPolandSport Stars Avenue+number 9 in the cityMIĘDZYZDROJEPolandWalk of Fame+number 2 in the cityDZIWNÓWPolandSports Star Avenue+number 14 in the cityWISŁAPolandSport Stars Avenue+number 40 in the cityTORUŃPolandGingerbread Walk of Fame+number 48 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandAvenue of Stars+number 11 in the cityGORZÓW WIELKOPOLSKIPolandGorzów Avenue of Stars+number 24 in the cityOPOLEPolandPolish Song Stars Avenue +number 56 in the cityBYDGOSZCZPolandBydgoszcz Autographs+TOPnumber 0 in the cityKRAKOWPolandKraków Avenue of StarsRanking - walks of fame RomaniaShow all+number 24 in the citySIBIURomaniaSibiu Walk of FameOther categories:AnimalsParksPyramidsMegalithsGondola liftsAncient templesBoardwalksLookoutsMilitary museumsGorgesGardensBeachesWaterfallsLakesCavesFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesStreetsCathedralsFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries