Most popular volcanos Most popular volcanos Volcanos mapSee on the map+SCORȚOASARomaniaBerca Mud Volcanoes+CASTIGLIONE DI SICILIAItalyEtna+OTTAVIANOItalyVesuvius+SAINT-OURSFranceLemptégy Volcano+BOLIVARColombiaEl Totumo Mud Volcano+LOS CANARIOSSpainSan Antonio Volcano+LLANOS DE LA PEZSpainCaldera Marteles+LOS CANARIOSSpainSan Antonio Volcano Visitor Center+NEA KAMENIGreeceNea Kameni Volcanic Park+TINAJOSpainCuervo Volcano+HAFNARFJORDURIcelandKrýsuvík+CALDASColombiaNevado del Ruiz+SAN ANDRESEcuadorChimborazo Volcano+CHUGCHILLANEcuadorQuilotoa Volcano+LATACUNGAEcuadorCotopaxi volcano+VÍK Í MÝRDALIcelandMælifell+REYKJAHLÍÐIcelandVolcano Hverfjall+PANGUIPULLIChileVillarrica Volcano+OSORNOChileOsorno Volcano+KOPAVOGURIcelandThrihnukagigur Volcano+LIPARIItalyStromboli Volcano+LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainBandama caldera+SAINTE-ROSEFrancePlaine des Sables+CHIGUATAPeruMisti Volcano+HARÍASpainCorona Volcano+SAINT-PIERREFrancePelee Mountain+HVOLSVÖLLURIcelandEyjafjallajokull Volcano+POZZUOLIItalyPhlegrean Fields+SAILLANTFranceMontpeloux Volcano+SAINTE-ROSEFranceFormica LeoRanking - volcanos BoliviaShow all+number 1 in the cityPUTREBoliviaParinacota Volcano+number 1 in the cityJIRIRABoliviaTunupa VolcanoRanking - volcanos ChileShow all+number 1 in the cityPANGUIPULLIChileVillarrica Volcano+number 1 in the cityOSORNOChileOsorno Volcano+number 7 in the cityLOS LAGOSChileCerro Tronador+number 9 in the cityEASTER ISLANDChileTerevaka Volcano+number 2 in the cityARAUCANÍAChileLlaima Volcano+number 8 in the cityLOS LAGOSChileCalbuco Volcano+number 3 in the cityATACAMAChileLáscar Volcano+number 2 in the cityBIO BIOChileAntuco Volcano+number 16 in the citySAN PEDRO DE ATACAMAChileLicancabur Volcano+number 4 in the cityARAUCANÍAChileLonquimay VolcanoRanking - volcanos ColombiaShow all+number 1 in the cityBOLIVARColombiaEl Totumo Mud Volcano+number 1 in the cityCALDASColombiaNevado del Ruiz+number 2 in the cityTOLIMAColombiaNevado Santa Isabel Volcano+number 2 in the cityNARINOColombiaGaleras Volcano+number 3 in the cityTOLIMAColombiaNevado del Tolima+number 4 in the cityCAUCAColombiaPurace VolcanoRanking - volcanos EcuadorShow all+number 1 in the citySAN ANDRESEcuadorChimborazo Volcano+number 3 in the cityCHUGCHILLANEcuadorQuilotoa Volcano+number 1 in the cityLATACUNGAEcuadorCotopaxi volcano+number 1 in the cityPUELAEcuadorTungurahua Volcano+number 2 in the cityZUÑAEcuadorSangay Volcano+number 1 in the cityLLOAEcuadorPichincha Volcano+number 1 in the cityOLMEDOEcuadorCayambe Volcano+number 3 in the cityGALAPAGOSEcuadorWolf Volcano+number 1 in the citySAN ANTONIOEcuadorImbabura Volcano+number 1 in the cityQUIMIAGEcuadorEl Altar VolcanoRanking - volcanos FranceShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySAINT-OURSFranceLemptégy Volcano+number 4 in the citySAINTE-ROSEFrancePlaine des Sables+number 1 in the citySAINT-PIERREFrancePelee Mountain+number 1 in the citySAILLANTFranceMontpeloux Volcano+number 6 in the citySAINTE-ROSEFranceFormica Leo+number 7 in the citySAINTE-ROSEFrancePiton de la Fournaise+number 5 in the cityORCINESFrancePuy PariouRanking - volcanos GreeceShow all+number 1 in the cityNEA KAMENIGreeceNea Kameni Volcanic Park+number 2 in the cityNEA KAMENIGreeceTholos NaftilosRanking - volcanos IcelandShow all+number 1 in the cityHAFNARFJORDURIcelandKrýsuvík+number 2 in the cityVÍK Í MÝRDALIcelandMælifell+number 2 in the cityREYKJAHLÍÐIcelandVolcano Hverfjall+number 1 in the cityKOPAVOGURIcelandThrihnukagigur Volcano+number 1 in the cityHVOLSVÖLLURIcelandEyjafjallajokull Volcano+number 3 in the citySNÆFELLSBÆRIcelandVolcano Snæfellsjökull+number 3 in the cityLANDMANNALEIÐIcelandHekla Volcano+number 3 in the cityÁRBORGIcelandVolcano Askja+number 3 in the cityHVAMMSTANGIIcelandBárðarbunga Volcano+number 2 in the cityHVOLSVÖLLURIcelandKatla VolcanoRanking - volcanos ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCASTIGLIONE DI SICILIAItalyEtna+TOPnumber 1 in the cityOTTAVIANOItalyVesuvius+number 4 in the cityLIPARIItalyStromboli Volcano+number 4 in the cityPOZZUOLIItalyPhlegrean Fields+number 6 in the cityPOZZUOLIItalySolfatara Volcano+number 13 in the cityLIPARIItalyStrómboli+number 17 in the cityLIPARIItalyStromboli+number 19 in the cityLIPARIItalyCrater of VulcanoRanking - volcanos MauritiusShow all+number 5 in the cityCUREPIPEMauritiusTrou aux CerfsRanking - volcanos PeruShow all+number 1 in the cityCHIGUATAPeruMisti VolcanoRanking - volcanos RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySCORȚOASARomaniaBerca Mud VolcanoesRanking - volcanos SpainShow all+number 1 in the cityLOS CANARIOSSpainSan Antonio Volcano+number 2 in the cityLLANOS DE LA PEZSpainCaldera Marteles+number 2 in the cityLOS CANARIOSSpainSan Antonio Volcano Visitor Center+number 2 in the cityTINAJOSpainCuervo Volcano+number 24 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainBandama caldera+number 2 in the cityHARÍASpainCorona Volcano+number 4 in the citySANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFESpainTeneguía volcano+number 3 in the cityNUÑOMORALSpainVolcano of El GascoOther categories:Ancient templesMegalithsLakesMilitary museumsGondola liftsPyramidsLookoutsFortressesCastlesAnimalsPalacesWaterfallsMonumentsGorgesStreetsFunicularsBeachesCavesBoardwalksAquariumsNatural history museumsGardensCathedralsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsParksBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries