Most popular marinas Most popular marinas Marinas mapSee on the map+LOMO QUIEBRESpainMogán Port+PALAIO FALIROGreeceFlisvos Marina+LONDONUnited KingdomSt. Katharine Docks+BERMEOSpainBermeo Port+CASCAISPortugalCascais Marina+UNIEŚCIEPolandFishing port+KASTEL GOMILICACroatiaMarina Kaštela+ARZACHENAItalyMarina of Porto Cervo+PIRAEUSGreeceMikrolimano+MONACOMonacoPort Hercules of Monaco+OLBIAItalyMarina of Porto Ottiolu+AGIOS NIKOLAOSGreeceMarina of Agios Nikolaos+SAINT-MALOFranceMarina Vauban+SASSARIItalyMarina of Porto Rotondo+LARNACACyprusLarnaca Marina+GREYSTONESIrelandGreystones Harbour Marina+LONDONUnited KingdomWestminster Millennium Pier+EILATIsraelEilat Marina+MASLINICACroatiaMartinis Marchi Marina+SANDEFJORDNorwaySandefjord Harbor+CASSISFrancePort of Cassis+LA ROCHELLEFranceMarina of La Rochelle - Les Minimes+ŠIBENIKCroatiaMandalina Harbor+MURTERCroatiaHramina Harbor+DINARDFranceDinard Marina+PERASTMontenegroMarina Perast+SUKOŠANCroatiaD-Marin Dalmacija+PIRAEUSGreeceZea Marina+BARMontenegroMarina Bar+PULACroatiaBunarina PortRanking - marinas BulgariaShow all+number 51 in the cityVARNABulgariaMarina Golden Sands+number 54 in the cityVARNABulgariaBuna Trakata harborRanking - marinas CroatiaShow all+number 1 in the cityKASTEL GOMILICACroatiaMarina Kaštela+number 1 in the cityMASLINICACroatiaMartinis Marchi Marina+number 6 in the cityŠIBENIKCroatiaMandalina Harbor+number 1 in the cityMURTERCroatiaHramina Harbor+number 1 in the citySUKOŠANCroatiaD-Marin Dalmacija+number 8 in the cityPULACroatiaBunarina Port+number 9 in the cityPULACroatiaMarina Veruda+number 1 in the cityVODICECroatiaMarina Vodice+number 4 in the cityPRIMOŠTENCroatiaMarina Kremik+number 3 in the cityKORČULACroatiaMarina KorčulaRanking - marinas CyprusShow all+number 3 in the cityLARNACACyprusLarnaca Marina+number 3 in the cityLIMASSOLCyprusLimassol Marina+number 1 in the cityPOLISCyprusLachti HarborRanking - marinas DenmarkShow all+number 18 in the cityODENSEDenmarkHarbour+number 2 in the cityTHISTEDDenmarkThisted Harbor+number 2 in the cityHALSDenmarkHals Harbor+number 1 in the citySKIVEDenmarkSkive Søsport Harbor+number 5 in the cityHORSENSDenmarkHorsens Harbor+number 3 in the cityRUDKØBINGDenmarkSpodsbjerg Harbor+number 7 in the cityLEMVIGDenmarkLemvig Harbor+number 7 in the cityMIDDELFARTDenmarkMiddelfart Harbour+number 6 in the cityNYKØBING MORSDenmarkNykøbing Mors Harbor+number 2 in the cityNØRRESUNDBYDenmarkNørresundby HarborRanking - marinas EstoniaShow all+number 3 in the cityKURESSAAREEstoniaRoomassaare Harbor+number 84 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKakumäe Harbor+number 1 in the cityLÕMALA KÜLAEstoniaSadamahoonet+number 1 in the cityKUIVASTU KÜLAEstoniaKuivastu Yacht MarinaRanking - marinas FranceShow all+number 6 in the citySAINT-MALOFranceMarina Vauban+number 3 in the cityCASSISFrancePort of Cassis+number 9 in the cityLA ROCHELLEFranceMarina of La Rochelle - Les Minimes+number 3 in the cityDINARDFranceDinard Marina+number 1 in the cityROANNEFrancePort of Roanne+number 57 in the cityMARSEILLEFranceVallon des Auffes+number 18 in the cityHYÈRESFrancePort of Niel+number 324 in the cityPARISFranceArsenal Marina+number 2 in the cityNÉRACFrancePort of NéracRanking - marinas GermanyShow all+number 1 in the cityREICHENAUGermanySchiffsanlegestelle Reichenau+number 7 in the citySCHÖNAU AM KÖNIGSSEEGermanySaletalm - Obersee+number 13 in the cityDUISBURGGermanyInnenhafen Duisburg+number 1 in the cityCHIEMSEEGermanyHerreninsel Pier+number 7 in the cityÜBERLINGENGermanyMarina+number 14 in the cityROSTOCKGermanyAlter StromRanking - marinas GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPALAIO FALIROGreeceFlisvos Marina+number 2 in the cityPIRAEUSGreeceMikrolimano+number 2 in the cityAGIOS NIKOLAOSGreeceMarina of Agios Nikolaos+number 4 in the cityPIRAEUSGreeceZea Marina+number 12 in the cityRHODESGreeceMandraki Marina+number 1 in the citySITIAGreeceΜαρίνα Σητείας+number 1 in the citySOUGIAGreeceSougia Harbor+number 18 in the cityPIRAEUSGreeceMarina channel+number 3 in the cityAGIA GALINIGreeceMarina of Agia Galini+number 5 in the cityGRAMVOUSAGreeceGramvousa jettyRanking - marinas IrelandShow all+number 1 in the cityGREYSTONESIrelandGreystones Harbour MarinaRanking - marinas IsraelShow all+number 9 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat Marina+number 17 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelTel Aviv MarinaRanking - marinas ItalyShow all+number 3 in the cityARZACHENAItalyMarina of Porto Cervo+number 5 in the cityOLBIAItalyMarina of Porto Ottiolu+number 7 in the citySASSARIItalyMarina of Porto Rotondo+number 39 in the cityPALERMOItalyMarina of Palermo+number 44 in the cityPALERMOItalyVilla Igiea Port+number 1 in the cityLOANOItalyMarina of Loano+number 4 in the cityPROCIDAItalyMarina Corricella+number 16 in the cityOLBIAItalyMarina of Portisco+number 4 in the citySTINTINOItalyMarina of Stintino+number 9 in the citySORRENTOItalyMarina GrandeRanking - marinas MonacoShow all+number 10 in the cityMONACOMonacoPort Hercules of MonacoRanking - marinas MontenegroShow all+number 2 in the cityPERASTMontenegroMarina Perast+number 1 in the cityBARMontenegroMarina Bar+number 3 in the cityBUDVAMontenegroDukley Marina+number 4 in the cityULCINJMontenegroUlcinj PortRanking - marinas NetherlandsShow all+number 8 in the citySTEENWIJKERLANDNetherlandsMarina VosRanking - marinas NorwayShow all+number 1 in the citySANDEFJORDNorwaySandefjord HarborRanking - marinas PolandShow all+number 1 in the cityUNIEŚCIEPolandFishing port+number 16 in the cityBYDGOSZCZPolandBydgoszcz Marina+number 2 in the cityMIKOŁAJKIPolandŻegluga Mazurska cruises+number 89 in the cityWROCŁAWPolandGondola BayRanking - marinas PortugalShow all+number 6 in the cityCASCAISPortugalCascais Marina+number 1 in the cityPARCHALPortugalPortimão Marina+number 47 in the cityFUNCHALPortugalHarbor Marina Funchal+number 7 in the cityCALHETAPortugalCalheta Marina+number 221 in the cityLISBONPortugalBom Sucesso harbor+number 7 in the cityCANIÇALPortugalQuinta do Lorde MarinaRanking - marinas SeychellesShow all+number 8 in the cityBAIE SAINTE ANNESeychellesPraslin MarinaRanking - marinas SloveniaShow all+number 9 in the cityKOPERSloveniaKoper harborRanking - marinas SpainShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLOMO QUIEBRESpainMogán Port+number 4 in the cityBERMEOSpainBermeo Port+number 3 in the cityARRECIFESpainMarina Lanzarote+number 7 in the cityVALLDEMOSSASpainHarbor+number 2 in the cityTÍASSpainCarmen Harbour+number 1 in the cityMOAÑASpainPorto Deportivo Moaña Mar+number 19 in the cityGIJÓNSpainGijón Marina+number 21 in the cityALICANTESpainHarbour+number 1 in the citySAN SEBASTIÁN DE LA GOMERASpainMarina La Gomera+number 4 in the cityCUDILLEROSpainCudillero HarbourRanking - marinas SwedenShow all+number 2 in the cityLOMMASwedenLomma Harbor+number 2 in the cityRÅÅSwedenRåå Harbor+number 3 in the cityBORGHOLMSwedenBorgholm Harbor+number 25 in the cityMALMÖSwedenDockan Marina+number 16 in the cityHELSINGBORGSwedenNorra Hamnen Marina+number 2 in the citySANKT IBBSwedenNorreborg Harbor+number 8 in the cityBYXELKROKSwedenByxelkroks Marina+number 3 in the citySANKT IBBSwedenKyrkbacken Harbor+number 7 in the cityMÖLLESwedenMolle Harbor+number 3 in the cityBÅSTADSwedenBastad HarborRanking - marinas SwitzerlandShow all+number 4 in the cityZUGSwitzerlandZug Port+number 60 in the cityZÜRICHSwitzerlandMarinaRanking - marinas United KingdomShow all+number 71 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomSt. Katharine Docks+number 155 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomWestminster Millennium Pier+number 345 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomLimehouse Basin Marina+number 386 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomTower Millennium PierOther categories:PyramidsGondola liftsAncient templesStreetsMonumentsMegalithsBoardwalksCathedralsAnimalsMilitary museumsLookoutsCastlesLakesCavesGorgesParksGardensBeachesWaterfallsFunicularsPalacesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries