RomaniaOltCăluiCĂLUI tourist attractions+1 attraction Călui tourist mapSee on the mapCălui top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityCĂLUIRomaniaCălui MonasteryOther categories:MonasteriesChurchesCălui Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaPark "Nicolae Romanescu"+3attractions inside TOPnr 2 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaAlexandru Buia Botanical Gardennr 3 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaCraiova Zoonr 1 in the citySLATINARomaniaEsplanade Parknr 4 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaWater Park Craiovanr 5 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaCraiova Museum of Artnr 6 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaMusic Fountainnr 2 in the citySLATINARomaniaClocociov Monasterynr 7 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaEnchanted Castlenr 8 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaOltenia Museum - Archeology and History Museumnr 9 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaOltenia Museum - Natural History Museumnr 10 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaSt. Elijah Churchnr 1 in the cityBRÂNCOVENIRomaniaBrâncoveni Monasterynr 11 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaMadona Dudu Orthodox Churchnr 12 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaSt. Dumitru Cathedralnr 13 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaOltenia Museum - Ethnographic Museumnr 14 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaSuspension bridgenr 3 in the citySLATINARomaniaAscension of the Lord Cathedralnr 4 in the citySLATINARomaniaOlt beachnr 15 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaEnglish Park