RomaniaOltOLT tourist attractions+14 attractions Olt tourist mapSee on the mapOlt most popular citiesSee all cities+Slatina+7attractions +Corabia+1attraction +Brâncoveni+1attraction +Călui+1attraction +Dăneasa+1attraction +Izbiceni+1attraction +Caracal+1attraction +Băbiciu+1attraction Olt the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 2 in the citySLATINARomaniaClocociov Monasterynumber 1 in the cityBRÂNCOVENIRomaniaBrâncoveni Monasterynumber 3 in the citySLATINARomaniaAscension of the Lord Cathedralnumber 1 in the cityCĂLUIRomaniaCălui Monasterynumber 7 in the citySLATINARomaniaGheorghe-Ionascu CathedralMuseumsShow allnumber 5 in the citySLATINARomaniaCounty Museum of Ethnographynumber 1 in the cityDĂNEASARomaniaBoian Plain Museumnumber 6 in the citySLATINARomaniaOlt County Museumnumber 1 in the cityCARACALRomaniaRomanization Museumnumber 1 in the cityBĂBICIURomaniaVillage Museum of EthnographyMonasteriesShow allnumber 2 in the citySLATINARomaniaClocociov Monasterynumber 1 in the cityBRÂNCOVENIRomaniaBrâncoveni Monasterynumber 1 in the cityCĂLUIRomaniaCălui MonasteryCathedralsShow allnumber 3 in the citySLATINARomaniaAscension of the Lord Cathedralnumber 7 in the citySLATINARomaniaGheorghe-Ionascu CathedralOther categories:PoolsBeachesParks