The Natural History Museum is one of the departments of the multidisciplinary Museum of Oltenia. It was founded in 1928. Its collection consists of over 113,000 exhibits divided into palaeontological, mineralogical, botanical and zoological collections as well as a collection of 59 hunting trophies from the first half of the 20th century.
The permanent exhibitions include not only traditional display cases, but also dioramas showing the habitats of the Danube area and the ecosystems of Oltenia. They include dioramas depicting forests, meadows, dunes and wetlands.
Another exhibition presents the Universe and its structures - galaxies, constellations, stars. The museum also houses a planetarium, which displays 9 shows, during which you can see a map of the sky and a gallery of celestial bodies. The shows last from 20 to 50 minutes.
Attractions inside