National Museum of Technology
Local name: Narodowe Muzeum Techniki
Museum of Technology and Industry in Warsaw is the real deal for all handymans and technical issues lovers. It is a treasure of many magnificent exhibits, like antique motorcycles, printing machines, radio receivers or specialized technical equipment. Museum of Technology and Industry NOT will host all those hungry for knowledge about the history of nowadays.
During 60 years at Warsaw NOT museum they gathered collections of impressive size, that were divided into 14 permanent exhibitions. Among them are the following exhibitions : Transport, Polish Motorcycles, Renewable Energy, Radio Communication, Technical Mean of Interpersonal Communication. At the museum, also temporary exhibitions are organized.
Among the most precious exhibits of NOT are: aeroscope, the original hand glider, as well as the old computers (AKAT-1, L-202, Odra 1305). A great number of historical items, affordable exhibition and one of the biggest collection in Poland is the reason, why this Warsaw museum is so popular.
Attractions inside