Szydłowiec Castle
Local name: Zamek w Szydłowcu
Former seat of the Szydłowiec and Radziwiłł families in Gothic-Renaissance style. It was built on an artificial island and surrounded by a moat. Today is the city's cultural center, meeting place, entertainment and recreation.
The entire castle, along with the surrounding park, was renovated and renovated. White plaster and red tile gave it an elegant look. The most decorative part is the eastern wing with the old observation balcony.
Currently the castle is the seat of the Szydłowiec Culture and Sports Center and the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments. On the ground floor there is a cinema hall, a restaurant and an art gallery.
In the courtyard are organized music and cultural events, knightly tournaments. The picturesque surroundings are used inter alia. for outdoor photo sessions. Radziwiłł Park, which surrounds the Szydłowiec fortress, is a constant place for walks and recreation of the inhabitants.
According to legend, the Ghosts of the White Lady and the Rocky Devil walk through the Castle at night.
Attractions inside