Church of Sts. John the Evangelist in Paczków is a unique sacral object belonging to the deaconate of Paczkow, diocese of Opole. The history of the building dates back to 1350, but the monument still serves as a church. Renovated in subsequent centuries, it constitutes an important object on the city map and a sanctuary of valuable monuments of sculptural art.
The Roman Catholic parish church in Paczków has not always been the church of Sts. John the Evangelist. Initially, the patrons of the temple were St. John the Baptist and the Most Blessed. Virgin Mary. The building has undergone many redevelopments, and its present shape is influenced by the architecture of the Renaissance, Baroque and Neo-Gothic. In the 16th century, in fear of the Turkish invasion, the church in Paczków gained fortifications, performing defensive functions. From outside, the temple resembles a fortress rather than a Catholic church, which according to the application, was intended to confuse the Turks who would reach Paczków.
The church in Paczków is an interesting object due to interesting architecture, changed for centuries. Worth seeing are the monuments of sacred art, the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. The Virgin Mary, which for some time served as the funeral chapel of the Maltitz family and medieval sculptures. The church is open until today and is readily visited by the faithful from the city and surrounding area.
Attractions inside