Orthodox church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is located in Narew. The present appearance of the temple dates back to the nineteenth century, as the original house built in 1560 was moved to the Narew cemetery. Next to the orthodox church, an ornamental well was erected to consecrate water.
Wood was used to build the temple. The church was built on the plan of the Latin cross, it has a corrugated structure, formwork. At the junction of the main nave and lateral a dome covered with a multi-roofed roof was erected. In the center you can enter from the front or through the side aisle. Both entrances to the facility are decorated with porticoes with six columns each.
In 1990 a fire broke out in the temple, which destroyed the interior of the building. During the disaster the eighteenth-century icon of Our Lady of Sorrows burned down - a copy of a miraculous image. Thanks to the parishioners managed to save part of the church equipment and the rest has been restored. Inside, new icons and icons are added.
Attractions inside