Royal Palace Amsterdam
Local name: Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam
The Royal Palace in Amsterdam, one of three in the country that are at the disposal of the royal family. It is located in the city center, in the west of Dam Square. At the top of the palace there is a dome crowned with a weather vane in the shape of a ship, which is a symbol of the city.
The construction of the palace, which initially served as the town hall, began in 1648 under the leadership of Jacob van Campen and Daniel Stalpaert. The building, which was often said to deserve to be called the eighth wonder of the world, was ready in 1655. The growing Netherlands wanted Amsterdam to become the Rome of the North. The symbol of this power was to be a statue of Atlas carrying a globe on his shoulders, which is located at the back of the palace. For decades, the palace was considered the largest administrative building in Europe.
In 1808, the town hall was transformed into a royal palace and performs this function until today. Official receptions and award ceremonies (Silver Carnation, Royal Painting Awards) take place there.
Attractions inside