De Krijtberg Church
Local name: De Krijtberg
The church Francis Xavier (De Krijtberg or Sint-Franciscus Xaveriuskerk) in Amsterdam is a neo-Gothic temple built in the 1880s. The interior hides many valuable monuments of sacred art, noteworthy are, among others rainbow beam with a group of crucifixion and images of the apostles, as well as stained glass windows depicting Jesuit saints.
Important souvenirs include organs from 1905, they can be seen today above the aisle on the right. In the center of the temple is a decorated four-poster altar built in the workshop of Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg.
The church Francis Xavier is the seat of the Jesuit order, belongs to the oldest in the Netherlands. Its richly decorated interior was to symbolize the revival of Catholicism. In the 1960s, the temple was closed due to the rapidly decreasing number of believers. In the 70s the church was recognized as a monument, which saved it from the end of its activity.
Attractions inside