Germany    Bavaria    Munich    Lenbachhaus
number 29 in the city


Local name: Lenbachhaus

Staatliche Antikensammlung is Germany's largest collection of ancient art - Roman and Greek antiquities, including vases, ceramics, terracotta, jewelry, glassware and other small items. The character of the collection is well reflected in the old name - Museum Antiker Kleinkunst, which is literally a "museum of antique small art".

The neoclassical building of the museum was built in 1838-1848 by architect Georg Friedrich Ziebland on the order of the King of Bavaria, Ludwig I Wittelsbach, who decided to place his collections here. The ruler fascinated by antiquity knew that he would not create a richer collection than existing in Rome, Paris and London. He instructed his agent to buy unusual, unique specimens, which now constitute the exceptional value of the collection.

Staatliche Antikensammlung offers a wide range of applications for smartphones and multimedia guides that set the most interesting routes for visiting and learning about exhibits.


Attractions inside

    Lenbachhaus map
    Konigsplatz 180333 Munich , Germany