GermanyBavariaKelheimKELHEIM tourist attractions+1 attraction Kelheim tourist mapSee on the mapKelheim top attractions Show allTOPnr 1 in the cityKELHEIMGermanyWeltenburg AbbeyOther categories:MonasteriesKelheim Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the citySTRAUBINGGermanyStraubing ZooTOPnr 1 in the cityABENSBERGGermanyKuchlbauer towerTOPnr 1 in the cityFREISINGGermanyBräustüberl Weihenstephannr 1 in the cityLANDSHUTGermanyTrausnitz Castlenr 1 in the cityNEUBURG AN DER DONAUGermanyNeuburg Castle on the Danubenr 1 in the cityNEUSTADT A.D.DONAUGermanyLimes thermal baths in Bad Göggingnr 1 in the cityNEUTRAUBLINGGermanyGuggenberger Lakenr 1 in the citySCHEYERNGermanyBenedictine Abbeynr 1 in the cityESSINGGermanySchulerloch cavenr 2 in the cityLANDSHUTGermanyGate Landshutnr 1 in the cityINGOLSTADTGermanyWildpark am Baggerseenr 2 in the cityFREISINGGermanyCathedral of St. Mary and St. Korbiniannr 2 in the cityESSINGGermanyWooden bridge "Tatzlwurm"nr 1 in the cityBOGENGermanyChurch of the Assumptionnr 2 in the cityINGOLSTADTGermanyBavarian Army Museumnr 1 in the cityWOLNZACHGermanyGerman Hop Museumnr 3 in the cityINGOLSTADTGermanyGerman Medical History Museumnr 4 in the cityINGOLSTADTGermanyChurch of Maria de Victorianr 3 in the cityLANDSHUTGermanyLandshut Old Townnr 1 in the cityLANDAU AN DER ISARGermanyWachsender Felsen