Germany    Berlin    Volks Humboldthain Park
number 55 in the city

Volks Humboldthain Park

Local name: Volkspark Humboldthain

Volkspark Humboldthain is a recreational area of 28 ha, founded in 1876 according to the design of garden architect Gustav Meyer. The park's assumption is made up of extensive lawns, forest areas, a rose garden, a playground, and numerous pergolas. The park also has a 50-meter summer pool and a viewpoint in former anti-aircraft towers.

The park also has a stone commemorating the patron of Alexander von Humboldt, a German naturalist and traveler, the creator of modern geography and landscape science. Humbold is considered the last man who was able to comprehend the mind of all the available state of knowledge of his era.

The anti-aircraft towers in the park were built in 1942. Currently, they are used as convenient viewpoints. One of them shows the remains of the Leitbunker structure, buried with debris after unsuccessful attempts to blow up by French soldiers.


Attractions inside

    Volks Humboldthain Park map
    Brunnenstraße 13357 Berlin , Germany