Up at The O2
Up at The O2 is a trip to the roof of the O2 building. It takes place on a route suspended 2 meters above the roof surface, i.e. about 52 meters above the ground. During the sky walk you have to walk 380 meters, which usually takes an hour and a half. The crossing takes place in the company of a guide after prior instruction and equipped with appropriate equipment and security. At the very top there is an observation platform from which you can admire the panorama of London.
The O2 Arena is a spacious sports and entertainment hall with a characteristic white dome in the shape of a tent. Twelve poles grow out of it, each about a hundred meters long. They symbolize individual months of the year or hours on the clock face. In turn, the roof diameter, measuring 365 m in length, refers to the number of days per year.
Attractions inside