Holy Trinity Church
The Holy Trinity Church is a neo-Gothic Anglican temple, built according to the design of John Dando Sedding in the years 1888-1890. There is a known collection of stained glass windows, authored by Edward Burne-Jones, William Morris and William Blake Richmond. At the time when the Holy Trinity Church was built, it was the widest church in London, wider than the cathedral of St. Paweł by 23 cm.
The first church in this place was a Gothic building from 1828-1830, designed by James Savage. From the west, it had an entrance surrounded by octagonal towers topped with spiers. Originally, the temple was to serve as a chapel at the new parish church. St. Łukasz, but in 1831 she received her own parish. It was closed and demolished after 50 years, and the current church was erected in its place. The building was severely damaged during the World War II bombing, but was rebuilt to more or less the previous state in the early sixties.
Attractions inside