Buddhapadipa Temple
Buddhapadipa Temple is a small Thai Buddhist monastery for nuns and monks - the first such facility in the British Isles. Buddhapadipa Temple inaugurated its operations in the 1960s, and has been in its current location since 1976. The facility is open free to visitors who respect the rules and peace prevailing in this place.
Uposatha Hall, i.e. the main hall of the temple, was designed by Praves Limparangsi, responsible for fine arts at the Ministry of Education of Thailand. It is maintained in the style of Four Directions (Chaturamuk). The temple has two images of the Buddha - a black Buddha made of bronze and a golden Buddha, which is a gift from Thai women from Bangkok.
The temple runs a novitiate for men and teaches the principles of Buddhism to all concerned. The classes are attended by both newcomers from Thailand and Londoners of other nationalities.
Attractions inside