UCL Art Museum
The University College London Museum of Art is located in a traditional printing house in the heart of UCL. The collection located here contains over 10,000 objects, including paintings, drawings, graphics and sculptures from 1490 to the present day. Works on paper fit into the traditional Print Room in a museum, and paintings and sculptures are presented in public rooms around the university. The collections are publicly available in the form of temporary exhibitions and exhibitions on the university campus.
Some of the works refer to the history of teaching art in Great Britain and show the stages in the creative process through the history of entries and donations included in the collections of the Museum of Art. These include portraits of Van Dyck in his "Iconography", engravings of Turner landscapes with his written annotations, torn sketches by August John preserved by his peers, and anatomical albums and drawings of artists such as John Flaxman, Henry Tonks and William Coldstream.
Attractions inside