United KingdomEnglandBerkshireBERKSHIRE tourist attractions+7 attractions Berkshire tourist mapSee on the mapBerkshire most popular citiesSee all cities+Windsor+3attractions +Hungerford+1attraction +Hurst+1attraction +Lower Basildon+1attraction +Donnington+1attraction Berkshire the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesParksShow allnumber 1 in the cityHURSTUnited KingdomDinton Pastures Country Parknumber 2 in the cityWINDSORUnited KingdomWindsor Great ParkCastlesShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityWINDSORUnited KingdomWindsor Castlenumber 1 in the cityDONNINGTONUnited KingdomDonnington CastleOther categories:Gardens