Most popular ponds Most popular ponds Ponds mapSee on the map+SAN BARTOLOMÉ DE TIRAJANASpainThe Pond of Maspalomas+MESOPOTAMAlbaniaBlue Eye+IVARS D'URGELLSpainEstany d'Ivars i Vila-sana+ZUBERECSlovakiaRoháčske plesá+DUBLINIrelandBlessington Street Park (The Basin)+ARANJUEZSpainPond of the Chinescos+CASCAISPortugalLake in the park+CABRILPortugal7 Lakes+OTRANTOItalyBauxite pond+USTKAPolandWraith's Pond+LINDRE-BASSEFranceDomaine de Lindre+LĂZĂREȘTIRomaniaMohoș Peat Bog+EL PUERTILLOSpainSalinas El Bufadero+PELKOSENNIEMIFinlandPyhäkaste Waterfall and Pond+ANTWERPBelgiumSwimming pond Boekenberg - Deurne+SAINT-PAULFrancePond of Saint-Paul+NOWY ZAMEKPolandMilicz Ponds+USTROŃPolandCanoe Pond+POTSDAMGermanyMaschinenteich+OPORÓWPolandFish ponds+WARSAWPolandBelweder Pond+NEDVĚDICECzechiaPond in Nedvědice+CHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaVítkovský rybník Pond+CHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaJordán Pond+CHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaStarochlumecký rybník PondRanking - ponds AlbaniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMESOPOTAMAlbaniaBlue EyeRanking - ponds BelgiumShow all+number 31 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumSwimming pond Boekenberg - DeurneRanking - ponds CzechiaShow all+number 2 in the cityNEDVĚDICECzechiaPond in Nedvědice+number 8 in the cityCHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaVítkovský rybník Pond+number 9 in the cityCHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaJordán Pond+number 10 in the cityCHLUMEC NAD CIDLINOUCzechiaStarochlumecký rybník PondRanking - ponds FinlandShow all+number 4 in the cityPELKOSENNIEMIFinlandPyhäkaste Waterfall and PondRanking - ponds FranceShow all+number 1 in the cityLINDRE-BASSEFranceDomaine de Lindre+number 18 in the citySAINT-PAULFrancePond of Saint-PaulRanking - ponds GermanyShow all+number 75 in the cityPOTSDAMGermanyMaschinenteichRanking - ponds IrelandShow all+number 45 in the cityDUBLINIrelandBlessington Street Park (The Basin)Ranking - ponds ItalyShow all+number 2 in the cityOTRANTOItalyBauxite pondRanking - ponds PolandShow all+number 8 in the cityUSTKAPolandWraith's Pond+number 1 in the cityNOWY ZAMEKPolandMilicz Ponds+number 8 in the cityUSTROŃPolandCanoe Pond+number 3 in the cityOPORÓWPolandFish ponds+number 258 in the cityWARSAWPolandBelweder PondRanking - ponds PortugalShow all+number 14 in the cityCASCAISPortugalLake in the park+number 1 in the cityCABRILPortugal7 LakesRanking - ponds RomaniaShow all+number 2 in the cityLĂZĂREȘTIRomaniaMohoș Peat BogRanking - ponds SlovakiaShow all+number 2 in the cityZUBERECSlovakiaRoháčske plesáRanking - ponds SpainShow all+number 1 in the citySAN BARTOLOMÉ DE TIRAJANASpainThe Pond of Maspalomas+number 1 in the cityIVARS D'URGELLSpainEstany d'Ivars i Vila-sana+number 6 in the cityARANJUEZSpainPond of the Chinescos+number 1 in the cityEL PUERTILLOSpainSalinas El BufaderoOther categories:CavesGondola liftsMilitary museumsAnimalsPyramidsAncient templesBoardwalksParksGardensBeachesWaterfallsLookoutsGorgesMegalithsLakesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries