Slovakia    Žilina Region    Zuberec    Roháčske plesá
number 2 in the city

Roháčske plesá

Local name: Roháčske plesá

Rohackie Stawy are located in the Slovak part of the Western Tatras, in the Rohacka Valley. These are four picturesque mountain ponds of glacial origin. They are located on different floors of the valley and lead to them marked by the TANAP educational path.

Rohackie Stawy are considered one of the most beautiful in the entire Tatra Mountains. They include Zadni, Mały, Intermediate and Niżni Staw. The latter is often called the Orava Sea Eye. They can be admired from the surrounding peaks, such as Rohacze, Banówka and Rakoń. Their location on subsequent floors of the valley can be seen from them.


Attractions inside

    Roháčske plesá map
    027 32 Zuberec , Slovakia