Most popular museums of education Most popular museums of education Museums of education mapSee on the map+LYONFranceMuseum of Confluences+BRASOVRomaniaMuseum of the First Romanian School+SANTIAGOChileMuseum Gabriela Mistral Education+CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGATSpainMuseum of Mathematics of Catalonia+MONTEVIDEOUruguayJosé Pedro Varela Pedagogical Museum+RENNESFranceEcomuseum of the Country of Rennes+GLASGOWUnited KingdomScotland Street School Museum+GABROVOBulgariaNational Museum of Education+CARCASSONNEFranceSchool Museum+AINAŽILatviaAinaži Maritime School Museum+FRIEDRICHSHAFENGermanySchool Museum+ROUENFranceNational Museum of Education+HAWRFranceLe Havre Port Center+DORDRECHTNetherlandsNational Education Museum+SAMARINA KÜLAEstoniaSaatse Museum+LONDONUnited KingdomRagged School Museum+HAMBURGGermanyGriffelkunst School Museum+IASIRomaniaUniversity Museum+LEIPZIGGermanyLeipzig School Museum+BELGRADESerbiaPedagogical Museum+TURINItalyMUSLI - Museum of the School+KOPRIVSHTITSABulgariaLiving Museum+SAUSTERELatviaKubalu School - Museum+KORÇËAlbaniaNational Museum of Education+HEIDELBERGGermanyUniversity Museum+DEBRECENHungaryDebrecen Literature House and Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial Museum+KALOFERBulgariaMuseum of Education+LJUBLJANASloveniaSlovenian School Museum+BERGISCH GLADBACHGermanySchool Museum+HELSINGBORGSwedenSchool MuseumRanking - museums of education AlbaniaShow all+number 4 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaNational Museum of EducationRanking - museums of education BulgariaShow all+number 4 in the cityGABROVOBulgariaNational Museum of Education+number 8 in the cityKOPRIVSHTITSABulgariaLiving Museum+number 3 in the cityKALOFERBulgariaMuseum of Education+number 8 in the citySOPOTBulgariaMuseum of EducationRanking - museums of education ChileShow all+number 34 in the citySANTIAGOChileMuseum Gabriela Mistral EducationRanking - museums of education EstoniaShow all+number 1 in the citySAMARINA KÜLAEstoniaSaatse MuseumRanking - museums of education FranceShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityLYONFranceMuseum of Confluences+number 6 in the cityRENNESFranceEcomuseum of the Country of Rennes+number 7 in the cityCARCASSONNEFranceSchool Museum+number 17 in the cityROUENFranceNational Museum of Education+number 11 in the cityHAWRFranceLe Havre Port CenterRanking - museums of education GermanyShow all+number 8 in the cityFRIEDRICHSHAFENGermanySchool Museum+number 79 in the cityHAMBURGGermanyGriffelkunst School Museum+number 35 in the cityLEIPZIGGermanyLeipzig School Museum+number 37 in the cityHEIDELBERGGermanyUniversity Museum+number 2 in the cityBERGISCH GLADBACHGermanySchool Museum+number 34 in the cityFREIBURG IM BREISGAUGermanyUniseum+number 46 in the cityBREMENGermanySchool Museum+number 1 in the cityKORNWESTHEIMGermanySchool MuseumRanking - museums of education HungaryShow all+number 9 in the cityDEBRECENHungaryDebrecen Literature House and Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial MuseumRanking - museums of education ItalyShow all+number 53 in the cityTURINItalyMUSLI - Museum of the School+number 3 in the cityMACERATAItalyPaolo and Ornella Ricca School MuseumRanking - museums of education LatviaShow all+number 2 in the cityAINAŽILatviaAinaži Maritime School Museum+number 1 in the citySAUSTERELatviaKubalu School - MuseumRanking - museums of education NetherlandsShow all+number 4 in the cityDORDRECHTNetherlandsNational Education MuseumRanking - museums of education NorwayShow all+number 53 in the cityOSLONorwaySchool MuseumRanking - museums of education PortugalShow all+number 40 in the cityCOIMBRAPortugalAcademic MuseumRanking - museums of education RomaniaShow all+number 13 in the cityBRASOVRomaniaMuseum of the First Romanian School+number 25 in the cityIASIRomaniaUniversity MuseumRanking - museums of education SerbiaShow all+number 65 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaPedagogical MuseumRanking - museums of education SlovakiaShow all+number 15 in the cityBANSKÁ BYSTRICASlovakiaLiterary and Musical Museum+number 6 in the cityLEVOČASlovakiaMuseum of Special Education in LevočaRanking - museums of education SloveniaShow all+number 42 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaSlovenian School MuseumRanking - museums of education SpainShow all+number 2 in the cityCORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGATSpainMuseum of Mathematics of CataloniaRanking - museums of education SwedenShow all+number 23 in the cityHELSINGBORGSwedenSchool MuseumRanking - museums of education United KingdomShow all+number 19 in the cityGLASGOWUnited KingdomScotland Street School Museum+number 338 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomRagged School MuseumRanking - museums of education UruguayShow all+number 53 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayJosé Pedro Varela Pedagogical MuseumOther categories:Gondola liftsBoardwalksMilitary museumsAnimalsBeachesPyramidsParksGardensWaterfallsCavesAncient templesGorgesMegalithsLakesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesLookoutsFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries