Spain    Community of Madrid    Madrid    National Library of Spain
number 114 in the city

National Library of Spain

Local name: Biblioteca Nacional de España

The Spanish National Library invites tourists to its museum (former Book Museum), which presents a collection of unique exhibits, including antique typewriters, bookbinding tools, typography equipment, as well as paintings, sculptures and even old furniture and musical instruments .

The library's magazines contain about 26 million items, including: 6,000,000 books published after 1831 and 50,000 old books from before 1831. In addition, there are manuscripts, incunabula, magazines, drawings, posters, engravings, postcards, photos , sound and video recordings.

The Spanish National Library was opened in 1712 as the Royal Library. By order of King Philip V four years later, its collections were made available to all citizens. Its branch is located in Alcala de Henares.

National Library of Spain map
Paseo de Recoletos 20-2228001 Madrid , Spain