RomaniaMehedințiDubovaDUBOVA tourist attractions+1 attraction Dubova tourist mapSee on the mapDubova top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityDUBOVARomaniaSculpture Decebal's FaceDubova Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityGOLUBACSerbiaTuman MonasteryTOPnr 1 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaBigăr waterfallnr 2 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaDomogled-Valea Cernei National Parknr 3 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaStatue of Herculesnr 1 in the cityDROBETA-TURNU SEVERINRomaniaRuins of the Severin Fortressnr 1 in the cityCARANSEBEȘRomaniaCheile Nerei National Park - Beușnițanr 1 in the cityORȘOVARomaniaSaint Ana Monasterynr 2 in the cityCARANSEBEȘRomaniaSemenic-Caraș Gorge National Parknr 2 in the cityDROBETA-TURNU SEVERINRomaniaKinetic Fountainnr 2 in the cityGOLUBACSerbiaGolubac Fortressnr 3 in the cityDROBETA-TURNU SEVERINRomaniaTrajan's Bridgenr 4 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaBeușnița waterfallnr 5 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaVenera Thermal Bathsnr 1 in the cityORAVIȚARomaniaMihai Eminescu Theaternr 4 in the cityDROBETA-TURNU SEVERINRomaniaWater towernr 6 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaNeptun Bathhousenr 2 in the cityŽAGUBICASerbiaSource of the Mlava rivernr 7 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaLa Văioaga Waterfallnr 1 in the cityGURA VĂIIRomaniaIron Gates Museumnr 2 in the cityORȘOVARomaniaIron Gates