Poland    Pomerania    Smołdzino    Cruises on the Łebsko lake
number 9 in the city

Cruises on the Łebsko lake

Local name: Rejs po jeziorze Łebsko

After Łebsko Lake, the third largest lake in Poland, the third most frequently visited cruise ships. Their harbor is located Rąbka. Two main routes lead to the Museum of Rocket Launcher and the open-air museum in Kluki.

The Museum of the Slowinski Village in Klucze offers you a tour of several complete Kashubian farms, as well as a hut and fishing store with equipment, a free-standing bread oven, a basement. Exhibited objects are displayed. In the open-air museum there is an 18th-century, only surviving Slovenian cemetery. The Rocket Launcher Museum has, among others, Polish meteorological rocket Meteor from the 70s of the 20th century.

The lake Łebsko, with an area of ​​7142 ha, yields only Śniardwom and Mamrom. Its length is about 16 km, the width is 7.6 km and the maximum depth is 6.3 m. It is located in the Slovenian National Park.


Attractions inside

    Cruises on the Łebsko lake map
    Smołdzino , Poland