Poland    Subcarpathia    Smerek    Riaba Skała - 1199 m
number 1 in the city

Riaba Skała - 1199 m

Local name: Riaba Skała - 1199 m n.p.m.

Riaba Skała is 1199 m above sea level and is located on the border of the Bieszczady National Park and the Ciśniańsko-Wetliński Landscape Park. At the lower culmination of this two-apex peak is a rock cliff with a viewing platform made by the Slovak National Park "Połoniny". One of the few vast views in the border band extends from here. A yellow and green trail from Wetlina leads to Riaba Skala. The summit is the highest point of the eastern part of the Polish-Slovak border band.

Riaba Skała owes its name to the color of the Vyšín sandstones that form cliffs - "Riabyj" is Ukrainian in variegated form. Wandering through the wild backwoods famous for magnificent stands requires good condition, as the routes are long and there is no way to shorten them. Two marked tourist routes lead here: Polish marked in blue, and Slovakian red.

In many publications there is a distorted name - Rabia Skała.


Attractions inside

    Riaba Skała - 1199 m map
    Smerek , Poland