Poland    Greater Poland    Poznań    Gate of Poznań
number 10 in the city

Gate of Poznań

Local name: Brama Poznania

The facility deals with presenting the history of Ostrów Tumski. In addition to educational functions, it is also to attract tourists to this part of Poznań. It is part of the Royal-Imperial Route.

The history of Ostrów Tumski, from the beginning of the Polish state to the present, was presented in an extremely interesting way. Film screenings and multimedia presentations take place here. There are also interactive mockups and visualizations.

The gate was officially opened in 2014. It was built in the oldest part of the city, and includes: the modernist main building and the revitalized Cathedral Lock. Both objects were connected with each other by a footbridge, located on the river. The main building is very modern. It is a simple and bright block, which is cut by a glass gap. Its task is to direct the eyes of visitors to the oldest cathedral in Poland.


Attractions inside

    Gate of Poznań map
    Gdańska 261-123 Poznań , Poland