Śnieżne Kotły
Local name: Śnieżne Kotły
Śnieżne Kotły is a postglacial geomorphological form in the Giant Mountains. This form is formed by glacial circuses, i.e. steep depressions. Snowy Cauldrons consist of two such circuses: Small Snowy Cauldron and Large Snowy Cauldron. At the bottom there are three, periodically drying glacial lakes, Śnieżne Stawki.
The Small Snowy Cauldron is about 300 m deep, the height of its rock walls reaches 100 m. Its bottom is about 1175 m above sea level. The Great Snowy Cauldron reaches a depth of about 250 m, and the height of its walls is about 150 m. The bottom of this boiler lies at an altitude of about 1245 m above sea level
Snowy Cauldrons are a vantage point from which there is a panorama of the Karkonosze, Kaczawskie Mountains, Rudawy Janowickie, Jizera Mountains and Jeleniogórska Valley. A green tourist trail runs through the bottom of Śnieżne Kotłów, leading from the hostel under Łabski Szczyt to the Karkonoska Pass. The red trail from Szklarska Poręba to Karpacz runs along the edge of the boilers.
Attractions inside