The Museum of Manufaktura Majoliki in Nieborów was built in the place of the only functioning Majolica factory in Poland, which operates on the basis of traditional technologies. There is a permanent exhibit of study furniture and majolica art and Art Nouveau ceramics by Stanisław Jagmin. Majolika is a type of pottery covered with opaque lead-tin glaze.
Manufaktura was founded in 1881 by Prince Michel Peter Radziwiłł at his estate in Nieborow. Initially, there were furniture manufactories and artisan workshops. Furniture manufactory was called a "sculpture", while the Majolica's factory was called the Factory of Artistic Fragrances and Tile Stoves.
In 1982 the industrial activities of the manufactory were resumed, and in 1985 the first exhibition that opened the museum was opened. Nowadays, this place together with the gardens in Arkadia and Nieborów is a branch of the National Museum in Warsaw.
Attractions inside