number 3 in the city

Bazar Villa

Local name: Willa Bazar

The most characteristic building, which at first glance is a recognizable showcase of the famous Carpathian spa town of Iwonicz-Zdrój is the 19th-century villa Bazar. Seen from above, it resembles the letter H. The wooden building located in the center of the village is distinguished by a magnificent tower topped with a viewing terrace with a clock winning chimes. In the past, the villa housed an exclusive hotel, now it has commercial and service outlets as well as accommodation for spa employees.

The villa was built in 1876-1880, in place of the previous building of the same name. The historic building has undergone a thorough renovation carried out by the Jarosław Construction and Conservation Company "Arkady" and today again impresses guests walking along the spa avenues.

Near the villa, you can see other impressive objects forming the unique nineteenth-century buildings of Iwonicz-Zdrój, including Spa House, Mineral Water Pump Room, Stare Łazienki, as well as the most ancient monument of the spa, the Old Palace.


Attractions inside

    Bazar Villa map
    Dietla 138-440 Iwonicz-Zdrój , Poland