Arbestum Bolestraszyce
Local name: Arboretum Bolestraszyce
Arboretum in Bolestraszyce consists of the Michałowscy estate with classicist manor house, broad park and a building of Przemyśl Fortress. In the park, which also plays a role of a botanic garden, precious species of plants from all over the world are being cultivated. In the manor house a Natural Museum is located, where one can see, among others, exposition of birds, night butterflies and fossils. Other attractions are ponds and wicker sculptures on the site of the garden. Next to the entrance there is a Sensory Garden, adapted for people with disabilities.
In 1846 a remarkable painter Piotr Michałowski lived here. Arboretum was created in 1975, due to the Prof. dr. hab Jerzy Piórecki. In the garden one can admire trees, bushes, greenhouse plants - protected, endangered, rare and near extinction. In this exceptional monument of nature and culture, educational classes, exhibitions and festivals take place. In Cisowa in Pogórze Przemyskie there is a branch of Arboretum.
“Arboretum” is derived from Latin. Arbor means tree.
Attractions inside