North MacedoniaSkopje RegionGorno NereziGORNO NEREZI tourist attractions+2 attractions Gorno Nerezi tourist mapSee on the mapGorno Nerezi top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityGORNO NEREZINorth MacedoniaEthno Complex Macedonian Villagenr 2 in the cityGORNO NEREZINorth MacedoniaOrthodox Church of St. PanteleimonOther categories:ChurchesGorno Nerezi Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityMATKANorth MacedoniaMatka CanyonTOPnr 1 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaOld BazaarTOPnr 2 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMillennium CrossTOPnr 3 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaČifte HammamTOPnr 4 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMacedonia SquareTOPnr 5 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMemorial house of Mother TeresaTOPnr 6 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaStone BridgeTOPnr 7 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaZoo SkopjeTOPnr 8 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaSkopje FortressTOPnr 1 in the cityTETOVONorth MacedoniaColorful Mosquenr 9 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaCathedral of St. Clement of Ohridnr 10 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMuseum of the Macedonian Strugglenr 11 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaArchaeological Museum of Macedonianr 12 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaAqua Park Skopjenr 1 in the citySVETA PETKANorth MacedoniaVrelo Cavenr 13 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaPorta Macedonianr 2 in the cityTETOVONorth MacedoniaArabati Baba Tekkenr 1 in the cityMARKOVA SUSHICANorth MacedoniaMarko's Monasterynr 1 in the cityKOKINONorth MacedoniaKokino megalithic observatorynr 15 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaBridge of Art