Old Observatory
Local name: Oude Sterrewacht
The Oude Sterrewacht in Leiden, the Old Observatory, is the oldest university observatory in the world to this day. The observatory can be visited with a guide. Once a month, astronomical evenings take place here, during which you can familiarize yourself with telescopes and observe the night sky.
Leiden is the home of the oldest university in the Netherlands, founded in 1575. The university observatory was built in 1633. During the first two hundred years of existence, the observatory was used mainly for educational purposes, while in the second half of the nineteenth century it became an important research center in the field of physics and astronomy. Currently, after extensive renovations in 2008-2012, the observatory is still used for educational purposes.
The Old Observatory is located within the botanical garden, which is also owned by the university. Thanks to this educational trip can be combined with a walk and rest in the bosom of nature.
Attractions inside