Largo di Torre Argentina is a Roman square with remains of buildings from the republic period: four temples and the eastern end of the portico of the Pompey Theater, the portico of Minucius, offices and public latrines. Due to the carelessness of archaeological excavations carried out in 1929, the chronology and identification of the temples is very difficult. That is why they are usually marked with letters from A to D.
Temple C is considered the oldest, probably from the turn of the 4th and 3rd century BC. To this day, floor mosaics adorning it and the head of a colossal statue of the goddess have been preserved. One of the curiosities about the square is that the remains of Pompey's portico used to lead to the room where the senate meetings were held. It was here, on March 15, 44 BC, that Julius Caesar was murdered.
Attractions inside