ItalyCampaniaCapri IslandThe most interesting citiesCapri island the most interesting cities+2 Cities +1City of Capri+19 attractions See the cityTOPnumber 1 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyGardens of AugustusTOPnumber 2 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyPiazzettaTOPnumber 3 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyTragara viewpointTOPnumber 4 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyMarina Piccola beachTOPnumber 5 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyTragara observation deckTOPnumber 6 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyChurch of St. StephenTOPnumber 7 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyNatural ArchTOPnumber 8 in the cityCITY OF CAPRIItalyVilla Jovis+2Anacapri+16 attractions See the cityTOPnumber 1 in the cityANACAPRIItalyBlue CaveTOPnumber 2 in the cityANACAPRIItalyVilla San MicheleTOPnumber 3 in the cityANACAPRIItalyLido del FaroTOPnumber 4 in the cityANACAPRIItalyChurch of St. Michael the ArchangelTOPnumber 5 in the cityANACAPRIItalyPhoenician StepsTOPnumber 6 in the cityANACAPRIItalyMount SolaroTOPnumber 7 in the cityANACAPRIItalyGreen CaveTOPnumber 8 in the cityANACAPRIItalyPunta Carena Lighthouse