ItalySardiniaBosaBOSA tourist attractions+13 attractions Bosa tourist mapSee on the mapBosa top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityBOSAItalyMalaspina Castlenr 2 in the cityBOSAItalyVillage of Bosanr 3 in the cityBOSAItalyTower of Bosanr 4 in the cityBOSAItalyCala Cumpoltitunr 5 in the cityBOSAItalyCorso Vittorio Emanuele IInr 6 in the cityBOSAItalyConce Museumnr 7 in the cityBOSAItalyCathedral of the Immaculate Conceptionnr 8 in the cityBOSAItalyChurch of San Pietronr 9 in the cityBOSAItalyCasa Deriu Museumnr 10 in the cityBOSAItalyMarina Di Pirisi Renatonr 11 in the cityBOSAItalyChurch of Our Lady of Sos Regnos Altosnr 12 in the cityBOSAItalyMadonna del Rosario Churchnr 13 in the cityBOSAItalyChurch of the Beata Vergine del CarmeloOther categories:BeachesCastlesCathedralsBosa Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityCABRASItalyIs Arutas beachTOPnr 1 in the cityALGHEROItalyNeptune's GrottoTOPnr 2 in the cityCABRASItalyArchaeological area of TharrosTOPnr 2 in the cityALGHEROItalyMugoni BeachTOPnr 3 in the cityALGHEROItalyBombarde beachnr 1 in the citySASSARIItalyPiazza d'Italianr 3 in the cityCABRASItalyMari Ermi beachnr 3 in the citySASSARIItalyCala dell'Argentiera Beachnr 4 in the citySASSARIItalyPorto Ferro Beachnr 1 in the citySANTERU/SAN VERO MILISItalySa Mesa Longa Beachnr 1 in the cityARISTANIS/ORISTANOItalyEleonora d'Arborea Squarenr 5 in the citySASSARIItalySt. Nicholas Cathedral+1Attraction inside nr 4 in the cityCABRASItalySan Giovanni di Sinis beachnr 6 in the citySASSARIItalyScogliolungo Beachnr 1 in the cityCODRONZANU/CODRONGIANOSItalyChurch of St. Trinity of Saccargianr 4 in the cityALGHEROItalySulis Towernr 5 in the cityALGHEROItalyCathedral of the Immaculate Conceptionnr 9 in the citySASSARIItalyAltare Monte d'Accoddinr 10 in the citySASSARIItalyPark of Monserratonr 6 in the cityALGHEROItalySan Giovanni Beach