Golgotha - The Hill of the Skull
Local name: Golgota - The Hill of the Skull
Golgotha, also called Calvary, is a mountain near Jerusalem where executions of convicted prisoners were carried out. The Bible says that it was here that Jesus was crucified along with two other convicts. According to Jewish beliefs, Kalwaria is the place where Adam's skull was buried. At present, many Christian communities are arguing over where the real Golgotha was located, whether on the site of the Holy Sepulcher Basilica or on one of the city's hills.
Golgotha remains a metaphor for the passion of Jesus Christ and his way of the cross. The memory of which of the Jerusalem hills was Golgotha disappeared, that's why Helena, mother of the emperor Constantine the Great, decided. The basilica was erected in the area where, according to the legend of St. Helena found fragments of Jesus' cross.
Legend has it that during the demolition of the temple of Venus, which was built about 100 years after Jesus' death, a plaque was found among the monuments of pagan deities, which Pilate ordered to place the Savior on the cross. Around 335, the first Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher was built in this place.
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