The palace is located on the largest island of the Hierenchiemsee lake. It presents the style of historicism, it was built on the model of the Paris Versailles. Representative rooms, king's living quarters and royal gardens were at the guests' disposal. The palace also has a museum dedicated to the figure of Louis II.
From the outside, the building resembles a classical Baroque building. Flat, poorly decorated facades, projections, rows of columns and the attic with sculptures are only part of the architectural elements characterizing the building.
The decoration of the palace's representative rooms is the Mirror Room with a row of mirrors measuring 75 meters in length, the Salon of Peace and the Salon of War. In turn, among the king's residential chambers, the Sleeping Room and the Blue Cabinet deserve special attention, as well as the decor and decorations of this part of the palace characterizing the neo-Rococo style.
The construction of the castle began in 1878 at the behest of King Louis II, but due to his death in 1886, work was discontinued. As a consequence, the project has not been fully implemented to this day.
Attractions inside
New Palace Herrenchiemse