Mougins is a picturesque Provencal town known primarily for the fact that Pablo Picasso spent the last years of his life here. Due to its proximity to Cannes, the town has been and is often visited by artists, actors and celebrities.
The city has existed since ancient times and many monuments from the Roman period have been found in its area. From the Middle Ages, it occupied the top of a small hill, which gave it a defensive character. To this day, a lot of old buildings with a few churches and stone houses have been preserved in the center.
The period of popularity of Mougins began in the second half of the 19th century. Regulars from nearby Cannes began to come here. This fame also spread to the twentieth century, when the guests of the small town were, among others Jean Cocteau, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Catherine Denevue, Edith Piaf and Jackeues Brel. However, the most recognizable factor was Pablo Picasso. The painter lived here for 12 years until his death. His apartment and studio were outside the city, next to the Notre Dame de Vie chapel. Currently, this place is inaccessible to visitors.
In addition to the picturesque center with stone houses, there are two interesting museums in Mougins. The first is the Museum d'Art Classique, which in an innovative way combines ancient art - Egyptian, Roman and Greek collections with the works of painters at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Here you can see paintings by Picasso, Cezanne, Degas, Matise and many others. An interesting attraction of Mougins is also the Museum of Photography of Adnres Villersa, a Picasso photographer, where you can see both works made by the master and depicting him.