Valtice Castle and the adjacent historic park were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996. Currently there is the National Wine Center (Národní Vinařské Centrum) and a wine training center. In addition to promoting Czech and Moravian wines, exhibitions and prestigious competitions as well as year-round tasting are organized here.
When visiting this place, it is worth paying attention to the palace chapel. There is one of the most beautiful church naves that can be found in Moravia, designed by Bologna architect Antonio Maria Nicolao Beduzzi. Established on the initiative of Prince Josef Johann Adam Liechtenstein.
Valtice Castle was the main seat of the Liechtenstein family. The Gothic fortress was built in the 13th century, but later it was rebuilt in Renaissance and then Baroque style. The current appearance of the castle is due to the reconstruction in 1643–1730 according to the design of the Italian architect Domenico Martinelli and Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.
Attractions inside