Czechia    Moravian-Silesian Region    Trojanovice    Cyrilka lookout tower
number 1 in the city

Cyrilka lookout tower

Local name: Rozhledna Cyrilka

The Cyrilka gazebo is located in an open area above the Pustevny hamlet. It is a good vantage point on the Czech-Slovak-Polish border. From here you can admire the panorama of the Beskids, as well as Frenštát pod Radhoštěm and the nearby Radhoszcz mountain.

The gazebo was built in 1893. It quickly became a popular tourist destination. There was a small stone shelter and a buffet nearby. Its surroundings are currently developed for tourist purposes. There are several guest houses and restaurants here. The gazebo is made of wood and is covered with an onion dome.


Attractions inside

    Cyrilka lookout tower map
    744 01 Trojanovice , Czechia