Bechero's Villa
Local name: Becherova vila
The Art Nouveau Villa Becherova is a branch of the Art Gallery in Karlovy Vary. It houses an interactive center for young artists. They can organize exhibitions of their work, workshops for children and young people, presentations, art confrontations and meetings.
Villa Becherova belonged to one of the most important families in the city. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a square-shaped building with a mansard roof, a corner tower and a garden conservatory. At the end of the twentieth century, he was saved from complete destruction after World War II. The Local Art Gallery has created a place here for young artists. They can come here, even spend the night, organize plein-airs and meetings of people of art. Temporary exhibitions including modern forms of communication, such as presentations and multimedia installations, are also presented. At the same time, the gallery conducts workshops and meetings with people of culture, during which participants create their own works.
Attractions inside