The Museum of Roma Culture is a cultural and educational institution whose purpose is to cultivate the memory of the history and traditions of Roma people of Central and Eastern Europe. The permanent exhibition "History of the Roma" is a collection of clothes, jewelry, everyday objects and rolling stock used by this people.
The museum was founded in 1991 as a non-profit organization. In 2005 it became an institution supervised by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Currently, it belongs to the largest institutions dealing with the commemoration of Romani traditions in the country.
The permanent exhibition shows the history of the Roma, from the time they came from Asia through the history of the Roma diaspora in Europe to the extermination during World War II and modern times. The exhibition includes original items as well as reconstructions and copies of carts or equipment and tools used by the Roma. The museum organizes numerous temporary exhibitions, as well as concerts, performances and meetings with artists from the Roma culture.
Attractions inside