VISOKO tourist attractions

+11 attractions

Visoko is a small city near Sarajevo, whose main attraction are the surrounding mountains shaped like pyramids. Forested hills are considered by some supernatural forces by some sensation seekers.

The city was founded in the Middle Ages and was a stop on the local trade route. It is sandwiched between mountain slopes and the surroundings are perfect for mountain hiking.

What attracts tourists and seekers of sensation to the small Visoko are the surrounding mountains. They have a shape similar to the pyramids, which led the researcher Semir Osmanagić to put forward a controversial theory that they were to be created by people with the help of cosmic forces of about 14 thousand. years ago.

Although this theory was quickly criticized and refuted, many people still believe in it. During research on the slopes of the mountain, traces of the Illyrian settlement and Byzantine castle were discovered. Today there is an archaeological park, which is often visited by tourists.

VisokoPopular in the area

(distance from city center)