Donnerbrunnen, or Donner's Fountain, is named after its creator, Georg Raphael Donner. Her official name is Providentiabrunnen, or the Providentia Fountain (impersonation of prudence), which reflects the appearance of the fountain - it depicts a character who is the epitome of prudence and predictive skills. This figure is surrounded by four figures symbolizing four Austrian rivers.
The construction of the fountain was commissioned in 1737 by the city (and not by the emperor or the church), which was unusual at that time. The design of the fountain was made by Donner, and the author of the figures was Johann Nikolaus Moll. Granite was used to make the fountain, and the statues were cast in bronze. The ceremonial unveiling of the fountain took place in 1739.
The Donner Fountain was made famous in the world by the 1995 film melodrama titled "Before sunrise" with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. The heroes of the film spend several hours walking around Vienna.
Attractions inside