United KingdomEnglandTyne and WearTYNE AND WEAR tourist attractions+7 attractions Tyne and wear tourist mapSee on the mapTyne and wear most popular citiesSee all cities+Newcastle upon Tyne+3attractions +Gateshead+2attractions +Low Eighton+1attraction +Benton+1attraction Tyne and wear the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityNEWCASTLE UPON TYNEUnited KingdomDiscovery Museumnumber 2 in the cityNEWCASTLE UPON TYNEUnited KingdomLife Science Centrenumber 3 in the cityNEWCASTLE UPON TYNEUnited KingdomGreat North Museum: HancockParksShow allnumber 1 in the cityBENTONUnited KingdomThe Rising Sun Countryside Centrenumber 2 in the cityGATESHEADUnited KingdomSaltwell ParkOther categories:BridgesNatural history museumsGardens