Tibetan Peace Garden
The Tibetan Garden of Peace is located in Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, next to the Imperial War Museum. His plan is loosely based on so-called Dharma Wheel, an important Buddhist symbol that refers to the Wheel of Life. In the center of the garden is the Kalachakra Mandala, carved in black limestone. Eight places for meditation and four sculptures symbolizing the gates of the elements: earth, water, air and fire were set up around the mandala.
The Tibetan Garden of Peace was funded by the Tibetan Foundation. It was founded in 1999 according to the design of the sculptor Hamish Horsley. The Dalai Lama himself officially opened and consecrated the garden. His millennium message to the British and the whole world was engraved in four languages on a pillar that also stood in the garden. It is to be a symbol of harmony between East and West culture. The official name of the garden is Samtel Kyil, which means "contemplative garden" in Tibetan.
Attractions inside