Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh was founded as early as the 17th century, which makes it the second oldest botanical garden in the UK. There are approx. 13.3 thous. plant species, there are about 3 million specimens in the herbarium itself. Plant collections are divided among others on herbarium, arboretum, rock garden, orchid collection or tropical garden. The facility also has a Chinese collection, which is the largest collection of wild plants of Chinese origin that grows outside China.
In 2006, Queen's Mother Memorial Garden was opened, as a tribute to Queen Mother. Among others, there are redwoods, beeches, maples and rowans. Attention is also paid to beautiful specimens of plants from the Ericaceae family.
The garden also has an extensive specialist library. Its collections contain about 70,000 books and 150,000 scientific magazines, which makes it one of the largest institutions of this type in the country.
Attractions inside