SwedenVästra Götaland CountyTrollhättanTROLLHÄTTAN tourist attractions+2 attractions Trollhättan tourist mapSee on the mapTrollhättan top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityTROLLHÄTTANSwedenSaab Car Museumnr 2 in the cityTROLLHÄTTANSwedenKopparklintenOther categories:LookoutsMuseumsTrollhättan Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityKUNGÄLVSwedenBohus FortressTOPnr 1 in the cityMARSTRANDSwedenCarlsten Fortressnr 11 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenAeroseumnr 1 in the cityKLÖVEDALSwedenSkulptur i Pilanenr 1 in the cityUDDEVALLASwedenBohuslän Museumnr 2 in the cityLIDKÖPINGSwedenRörstrand Museumnr 24 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenGothenburg Mosquenr 1 in the cityLÖDÖSESwedenLödöse Museumnr 31 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenSkansen Lejonetnr 3 in the cityLIDKÖPINGSwedenVäner Museumnr 1 in the cityVÄNERSBORGSwedenVänersborg Museumnr 42 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenSerbian Orthodox Churchnr 43 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenAllmänna badetnr 47 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenGothenburg Tram Museumnr 1 in the citySURTESwedenThe Museum of Glassworksnr 2 in the cityMARSTRANDSwedenMarstrand Nature Reservenr 49 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenSvarttjärn Towernr 50 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenSports Museumnr 54 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenGötaälv Bridgenr 3 in the cityMARSTRANDSwedenMarstrand Harbor